East Shopping Centre

Air Permeability Testing
Pre-Test Inspection

Project: East Shopping Centre, Green Street, London
Date: April 2014
Site Description: New Build Shopping Centre

Project objectives

To provide a pre-test inspection to assist in contractual air seal to safe guard against achieving a fail during the formal test itself.

What happened?

We visited the site during the build to give advice on areas of potential air leakage and to identify areas for concern through diagnostic Air Testing. We also undertook contractual Air Sealing at the 2nd fix stage, to seal areas identified in the diagnostic process. A report was also provided to the client on their instruction – which provided them with photographic and written evidence of potential leakage areas, recommendations for remedial works and overall conclusions from the pre-test inspection visit.

Since the pre-test inspection

East Shopping Centre successfully passed the Commercial Air Permeability Testing and is now fully functional, providing a variety of shopping outlets to the local community.